Nikopolis Hotel




Construction and installation of sliding aluminum frames in Nikopolis Hotel, which is close to the airport in Pylea, Thessaloniki.

The 5-star Nikopolis hotel is located in the Thessaloniki area. The local climate is Mediterranean with continental elements over the course of weather changes. The average annual temperature in Thessaloniki is approximately 16°C. The lowest average temperature is observed in January and is approximately 5.5°C, while the highest is observed in July, reaching 26.5°C. Annual rainfall reaches 400-500 mm. Snowfall is considered fairly likely from December to March, but the amount of snow that reaches the ground melts after a few hours. As regards wind, winter is mainly characterized by northwest and west winds, while southwest winds are mainly observed in the spring. A parameter worth noting as regards the climate of Thessaloniki is humidity. Specifically, there are high humidity levels throughout the year, enhancing the feeling of heat in summer and cold in the winter.

In order to offer the highest level of quality, service and functionality to Nikopolis Hotel, EPAL constructed and installed EPAL E50 sliding aluminum frames using pour and debridge thermal break technology embedded along the perimeter of the aluminum profile, which prevents compression inside the frame throughout the year and especially when particularly low temperatures are observed.